Articles tagged with: Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest & Planning Proposals

Published on Tuesday, 13 March 2012. Posted in Case Studies

Following the sale of the property, the son of the Seller, Mr F, accused the Agent of failing to disclose a conflict of interest. Specifically Mr F asserted that a conflict of interest had arisen as a result of another department within the Agent’s offices acting on behalf of a neighbour by submitting a planning request to the local council which had resulted in lower offers being received for the property.


Conflict of Interest

Published on Tuesday, 13 March 2012. Posted in Case Studies

Mr B (the Potential Seller) asserted that the Agent had undervalued the property and had then failed to disclose their interest in a company that had made an offer which the Agent had advised him to accept. The Agent denied that they had a financial interest in the company which they had introduced to the purchase.