Completing the Complaints Form
If you have read the guidance and need to refer your complaint to the Ombudsman, you will need to submit you case though our online form.
Click here to access our Selfserve form
If you have not been able to use our online form you will need to complete the relevant TPO Complaints Form.
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. Most computers come with this software installed but, if you do not have it and wish to download the latest version. You can do so from the Adobe website. The software is free.
Please note that if you have not been asked to submit your complaint this way or do not advise us why you are unable to use the online form in your submission email. Your complaint will be rejected, and we will direct to the online tool. If you are unsure, please contact us on our live chat or call our enquires team on 01722 333 306.
- Click to Download the Complaints Form
- Click to Download the Residential Leasehold Management Complaints Form
- Click to Download the Search Provider Complaints Form
Why the Complaints Form is so important
If you have already sent us documents, you may be wondering why we have asked you to complete the TPO Complaints Form.
The Complaints Form is a compulsory part of the complaints process. It is not the role of TPO to assume or interpret issues a consumer may wish the Ombudsman to consider.
The submission of a Complaints Form also allows us permission to obtain the Agent's file which we use to review your complaint.
Your form will be returned to you if all sections are not completed.
Submitting your complaints form to TPO
Once completed, you will need to submit it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
- Postal submissions can be sent to the address at the end of the signature box.
- When completing the Complaints Form by hand, please ensure you write clearly and use a dark ball point pen.
- If you need any help in completing this form, please contact us.
Communicating with us
- We will always communicate with you via email. If you would prefer us to communicate with you by post, please let us know.
- If you have a particular need in the way in which we communicate, please let us know and we will do our best to help, depending on your needs.
- If you require a copy of this form in a different format, e.g. braille, large print, or another language, please tell us.
- Please note that the average timescale for dealing with a complaint - from the point we have all the information (from both parties) to investigate, to the point a proposed decision is made - is around 90 days. This timescale may vary depending on the complexity of the dispute, although it is often the case that a resolution can be provided in a shorter period.