Working together to settle the dispute

What if the agent makes me an offer?

We always encourage you and the agent to settle the dispute between yourselves, so we recommend considering any offer they make. You don’t have to accept it, but as soon as we start a formal review their offer expires.

If you reject their offer and we do a formal review, there is no guarantee our decision will include awarding you compensation. If it does, the award could be higher than, the same as or less than the agent’s previous offer. If we decide we do not support your complaint, the agent doesn’t have to make or reinstate any offers.

If you’re not sure whether or not to accept an offer, please call us on 01722 333306. We will be happy to tell you more about your options.

Should I pay the agent's fees?

If your agreement with the agent includes you paying their fee, we recommend you pay it – or at least any part of it you accept you need to pay – ‘without prejudice’. This means it can’t be used against you if your dispute goes to court.

We would always request a property agent withhold from court action during the review process, however we cannot enforce this.