b'THE PROPERTY OMBUDSMAN ANNUAL REPORT 20182018 in Numbers:RLMTOP CAUSES OFLETTINGS COMPLAINTSTOP CAUSESBEST PRACTICEOF RLMCOMPLAINT HANDLINGCOMPLAINTS SERVICECHARGE STATEMENTSMAINTENANCE MAJOR WORKSCOMPLAINTS SUPPORTEDBY THE OMBUDSMAN200 RLM casescotland resolvedS0%ComplaintsComplaintsComplaints received fromreceived fromreceived by Leaseholders Freeholders Other*71% 9% 20%asth E (143) (18) (39)t 2.5%roN3.5% 1% Total cases50% (100)r t her orth W e s t r en Irel N ia ho n s supportedN 0.5% d kro YtMidland sa sst Midla E 3%e n dW s1.5%stern Reg iWales E a o n1% ater Lon 1.5%r e d oG 33% n RLMEnglan COMPLAINTS S E d Englan 26% BY AREA S W d8.5%* TPO also considers RLM complaints from potential Freeholders and Leaseholders, and other third parties affected by the actions of the agent.11'